With the UK government announcing the introduction of a plastic tax from 2022, cosmetics brands are rallying to find sustainable materials that work for them
Sustainable packaging solutions are no longer simply about developing eco-friendly alternatives as a ploy for companies to boast a
In order to reduce packaging waste, French start-up Jean Bouteille is offering consumers the ability to buy liquid products in bulk via returnable glass bottles. Wines, oils, fruit juices, as well as detergents, shampoos and cleaning solutions... Jean Bouteille offers a hundred liquid products
15 Rich and Savory Plant-Based Aioli Recipes
Olivia Newton-John Advocated For Alternative Medicine and Plant-Based Lifestyles
Norway Government Warns Public to Stay Away from Freya the Giant Walrus or She Will Be Euthanized
21,000 Fish Died at a UC Davis Animal Testing Lab
Houston's independent source of local news and culture
Upcoming: Fiery Burgers Heat Up a Burger Competition
The Blind Cook Returns to MasterChef
This Week: Blood Bros. BBQ and HRW Continues
Nitya Ganapathy, 47, grew up in South Delhi and shifted to Mumbai to pursue a career in the Media and Entertainment industry and worked in some of the top brands like MTV and The Times of India for around 23 years before calling it quits and launching her own business in May last year. Ban
"Beauty products in general, high-end beauty products especially, tend to be very heavy-packaging laden," says Randi Kronthal-Sacco, senior scholar of marketing and corporate outreach at the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business. "So any opportunity to reduce the plastic, carbon, and energ
Most suppliers now use recycled glass, although there is an ongoing debate about the PCR/PIR ratio [1] and the recycled glass percentage in a bottle significantly varies according to the different calculation methods used. To be continued…
Standard lines based on lightweight glas
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These little jars of flourless chocolate cake have become my latest pantry staple. They are intensely dark and dense, more like fudge than cake. One little jar is enough for two people to share.
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NEW YORK , July 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- JARS by dani, the beloved dessert brand famous for their colorful and delicious layers in mason jars, has launched its latest innovation, Ice Cream Cake! Taking their most popular JAR layers and pairing
Specializing in the decoration of glass and aluminum containers, Prad continues cooperating with Carolina Herrera with the metallization of the brand’s exclusive fragrance collection: “Herrera Confidential.”
Thanks to its know-how in shaded metallization, Prad thus decorated the bo